Office of Statewide Prosecution
The Attorney General's Office of Statewide Prosecution is directed by the Florida Constitution to prosecute crimes that impact two or more judicial circuits in the State of Florida. Working regularly with state and federal counterparts, the office focuses on complex, often large scale, organized criminal activity. The Office of Statewide Prosecution is authorized to act throughout Florida and works closely with law enforcement and State Attorneys to coordinate the prosecutions of multi-circuit violations of State law.
The Statewide Prosecutor is appointed by the Attorney General from a list of nominees selected by the Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission. The Statewide Prosecutor serves a term of four years and acts as the agency head for eight offices throughout the state.
Florida’s Constitution recognizes the importance of victims in the judicial proceedings, and the Office of Statewide Prosecution ensures that crime victims’ rights are protected during these proceedings. Below are links to help crime victims and others involved in prosecutions by the Office of Statewide Prosecution. The statuses of the court’s proceedings are available below as well.
Each year the Statewide Prosecutor submits a report to the Governor, the Attorney General, and Florida’s Legislature. Those reports highlight successes and outline goals for the years ahead.
Crime victims are the heart of each case prosecuted by the Office. Florida’s Constitution recognizes the importance of victims in the judicial proceedings. Below are links to help crime victims and, if you are involved in a case being prosecuted by the Office, you can check on the status of the court’s proceedings.
OSP Bureaus |
PL-01, The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
SC 994-3700
Fax (850)922-6191
SC Fax 292-6191
Statewide Prosecutor: Nicholas B. Cox
Chief: Brian Fernandes
West Palm Beach Office
Flagler Waterview Building
1515 N. Flagler Drive, Suite 900
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
SC 252-5000
Fax (561)837-5107
SC 252-5107
Chief: Jonathan Bridges
Jacksonville Office
1300 Riverplace Blvd., Suite 405
Jacksonville, FL 32207
SC 870-2720
Fax (904)348-2783
SC Fax 870-2783
Chief: Kelsey Bledsoe
Orlando Office
Century Plaza
135 West Central Boulevard, Suite 1000
Orlando, FL 32801
SC 344-0893
Fax (407)245-0356
SC Fax 344-0356
Chief: Robert Finkbeiner
Tampa Office
Concourse Center 4
3507 Frontage Road, Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33607
SC 585-7960
Fax (813)281-5520
SC Fax 514-4360
Chief: Paul Dontenville
Ft. Lauderdale Office
The 110 Tower
110 S.E. 6th St., Suite 900
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
SC 420-4600
Fax (954)712-4958
SC Fax 420-4958
Deputy Statewide Prosecutor: Julie Chaikin
Ft. Myers Office
4575 Via Royale Corporate Center
4575 Via Royale
Fort Myers, FL 33919
SC 748-2440
Fax (239)338-2341
SC 748-2341
Chief: Timothy Donnelly
Miami Office
Suntrust International Center
One S.E. 3rd Avenue, Suite 900
Miami, FL 33131
(786) 792-6196
Fax (305)377-5927
SC Fax 452-5927
Chief: Jeremy Scott