State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Pro Bono Directory

Name of Organization:Bay Area Volunteer Lawyers Program;
Bay Area Legal Services, Inc.
Contact Person:Sheila Seig, Pro Bono Manager
Address:829 West Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 2nd Floor
City/State/Zip:Tampa , FL 33603-3309
Telephone:(813) 232-1222, ext. 139Fax:(813) 232-1403
Type of cases typically handled on pro bono basis:
Consumer, Real Estate, Probate, Contracts, Employment, Bankruptcy, Insurance, Debt Collection, Guardianship, Adoption, Family Law Matters and Tax.
Amount of time required per week on average:
Varies according to type of case or project.
Administrative Support Services Offered:
Office space for client interviews:
Malpractice insurance protection:
Office equipment:
Volunteer Law Clerks for PBI cases:
Other information:
Two full-time staff attorneys provide support to pro bono attorneys. Some transactional and litigation expenses are paid from a reimbursement fund, and court reporters are available at no charge (unless a transcript is ordered). Special projects include: Client Intake, Case Referral Panel, Federal Litigation Project, Mentor Panel, Community Counsel (pro bono representation of non-profit organizations that benefit low-income persons), Project to Assist Persons with AIDS, Ask A Lawyer, Domestic Violence Assistance Project, Guardian Ad Litem Program, and Teen Court.
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