State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Pro Bono Directory

Name of Organization:Gulfcoast Legal Services, Inc.
Contact Person:Elizabeth M. Boyle, Managing Attorney
Address:1750 17th Street, Bldg I
City/State/Zip:Sarasota, FL 34234
Telephone:(941) 366-1746Fax:(941) 366-2314
Type of cases typically handled on pro bono basis:
Spouse abuse, divorce, foreclosure, eviction, bankruptcy, car repo, public benefits.****
Amount of time required per week on average:
All arrangements need to be made with individual office. Projects vary in length from 1 hour to 40 hours or more.
Administrative Support Services Offered:
Office space for client interviews:
Malpractice insurance protection:
Office equipment:
Volunteer Law Clerks for PBI cases:
Other information:
Note: Pro Bono can be completed by email (e.g., research projects).
**** Disability (SSI); Immigration (Asylum petitions, VAWA, other); Consumer Rights; Protection of elders from economic exploitation (identity theft, predatory lending, other); Special Projects pertaining to affordable housing and other poverty law issues, including legislation, mobile home law, landlord/tenant law (including private housing, Section 8, Section 202 and public housing).

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