State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Pro Bono Directory

Name of Organization:Put Something Back - A joint project of the 11th
Judicial Circuit & the Dade County Bar Association
Contact Person:Sharon L. Langer or Karen Ladis
Address:123 Northwest First Avenue
City/State/Zip:Miami, FL 33128
Telephone:(305) 579-5733 Ext. 2245Fax:(305) 372-7693
Type of cases typically handled on pro bono basis:
All areas of civil law.
Amount of time required per week on average:
Twenty hours or one case per year.
Administrative Support Services Offered:
Office space for client interviews:
Malpractice insurance protection:
Office equipment:
Volunteer Law Clerks for PBI cases:
Other information:

This program offers opportunity for pro bono lawyers to attend divorce and small claim clinics, in addition to including an HIV/AIDS panel; arts panel; hospice panel; juvenile mentoring panel and bankruptcy panel; Habitat for Humanity; and child advocacy.
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