State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Law Library Catalogues

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University of Miami Law Review
USP DI v,3 : Approved Drug Products and Legal Requrements, 2000
USP DI v.1: Drug Information for the Health Care Professional, 2000
USP DI v.1: Drug Information for the Health Care Professional, 2002
USP DI v.1: Drug Information for the Health Care Professional, 2003
USP DI, v.1: Drug Information for the Health Care Professional, 2004
USP DI, v.3 : Approved Drug Products and Legal Requirements, 2001
USP DI, v.3 : Approved Drug Products and Legal Requirements, 2002
USP DI, v.3 : Approved Drug Products and Legal Requirements, 2004
U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News, Collins
Wall Street Journal
Water Law in a nutshell, 5th ed.
Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary
Weinstein's Federal Evidence (2d ed.)
West's Analysis of American Law:guide to the American Digest System, Antitrust
West's Analysis of American Law:guide to the American Digest System, library
West's Florida Session Law Service, Becky Kring
West's Florida Session Law Service, Criminal, 2 ea
West's Florida Session Law Service, CSE
West's Florida Session Law Service, Library 2 ea
West's Florida Session Law Service, Tax 2 ea
West's Florida Session Law Service, TMP Civil
Wharton's Criminal Law, 15th Edition, crim
Whiplash Encyclopedia: The facts and myths of whiplash
White Collar Crime in a nut shell, 4th ed.
White Collar Crime, 2d ed.
White Collar Crime: Law and Practice, 3rd ed
Williston on Contracts, 4th
Wills and Administration in Florida
Winning on Appeal : Better Briefs and Oral Argument, 2d ed.

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