State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Law Library Catalogues

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Scientific Evidence, 4th ed. Canceled
Search and Seizure Checklists, Crim
Search Warrant Law Deskbook
Section 1983 Litigation, 3rd ed., Collins
Section 1983 Litigation: Claims, Defenses, and Fees, 2d. ed
Securing Law Enforcement Computer Systems(SLECS), cd
Securities and Commodities Fraud 2d, SWP
Securities Law Handbook
Self-Representation and Pretrial Allegations of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel: A Comprehensive Analysis of Faretta and Nelson Issues in Florida
Self-Representation and Pretrial Allegations of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel: A Comprehensive Analysis of Faretta and Nelson Issues in Florida, Crim
Senate & House Claims Bill Review ;
Legislative Claim Bills: A Practical Guide to a Potent(ial) Remedy
Sentencing Guidelines
Sexual Harassment in Employment Law, Collins
Sexual Predator , v.1: Law, Policy, Evaluation and Treatment
Sexual Predator, v.2:Legal issues, clinical issues, special populations
Sexual Predator, v.3: Law and Public Policy. Clinical Practice
Sexual Predator, v.5: Legal Issues; Assessment; Treatment, Tally
Slip Laws -- Florida District Court
Slip Opinions-- Eleventh(11th) Circuit
Slip Opinions-- Supreme Court
Sourcebook to public Record Information, 10th ed.
South Florida Business Journal
Special Education Law and Litigation Treastise
Standard Highway Mileage Guide
Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987
Standard Jury Instructions in Misdemeanor Cases(effective 4/16, 1981 as amended 03/30, 2000) & Florida Grand Jury Handbook and Grand Jury Instuctions(effective 4/16. 1981 as amended 2/14, 1991), Collins
Standards for Behavioral Health Care (SBHC) 2006-2007
Standards for Health Services in Prisons
State Antitrust Practice and Statutes, 3rd ed.
State Attorneys General, powers and responsibilites

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