State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Law Library Catalogues

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Drug Facts and Comparisons, 2000
Drug Facts and Comparisons, 2001
Drug Facts and Comparisons, 2002
Drug Facts and Comparisons, 2003
Drug Facts and Comparisons, 2004
E-Discovery and Computer Forensics Teleconference, CD version, 01/10/2008
Econometrics:Legal, Practical, and Technical Issues
Economics and federal antitrust law
eDiscovery & Digital Evidence
EEO Basics: Practice Fundamentals of Employment Discrimination Law
EEOC Compliance Manual(canceled)
Effective Legal Negotiation and Settlement, 5th ed.
Effective Use of Courtroom Technology: A Judge's Guide to Pretrial and Trial
Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence in a nut shell, Lib
Electronic Discovery and Evidence, 2005-2006 ed.
Electronic Discovery and Evidence, 4th ed.
Electronic Discovery and Records Management Guide: Rules, Checklists, and Forms, IT
Electronic Discovery and Records Management Guide: Rules, Checklists, and Forms, Lib
Electronic Discovery and Records Management Guide: Rules, Checklists, and Forms, MFCU
Electronic Discovery : Law and Practice, 2E
Electronic Discovery: New ideas, case law, trends and practices
Electronic Evidence: Law and Practice
Elements of Florida Civil Causes of Action and Defenses, 2d. ed.(working copy), Collins
Elements of Florida Civil Causes of Action and Defenses, 2d. ed., Collins
Elements of Style, 4th ed.
Eminent Domain Use and Abuse:Kelo in Context
Employment Discrimination Law 3d(West), Lib
Employment Discrimination Law 3rd ed(BNA), Collins
Employment Discrimination Law, 4E 2008 supplement
Employment Discrimination Law, 4th ed.

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