State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Law Library Catalogues

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Privacy Law Answer Book
Privacy Law, in a nutshell
Project Management in Electronic Discovery: An Introduction to Core Principles of Legal Project Management and Leadership in eDiscovery
Public Accomodations Under The Americans with Disabilities Act: Complaince and Litigation Manual
Public Record Research System (PRRS)
Repossessions, EC
Scientific Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases 6th Edition
Section 1983 Litigation, in a nutshell
State Attorneys General: Powers and Responsibilites, 2d
State Attorneys General: Powers and Responsibilites, 3 Ed.
State Postcoviction Remedies & Relief Handbook (Criminal)
Statistical Abstract of The United States  2019
Summary Judgement: Federal Law and Practice
The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook: A resource for Attorneys', Law Firms, and Business Profesionals
The Advocate's Deskbook: The Essentials of Trying a Case
The Affordable Care Act Law and Regulations, 2016 Edition
The Affordable Care Act Law & Regulations 2015 Edition
The Bluebook. A Uniform System of Citation 19 Ed.
The Clean Air Act Handbook 3rd Edition SG
The Effective Deposition: Techniques and Strategies that Work 4th Edition Lib.
The Effective Deposition: Techniques and Strategies that Work 4th Edition. EC
The Florida Bar Probate System 4th Edition
The Gregg Reference Manual 11 E.
The Hacker Playbook 2014
The Insurance Forum: A Memoir
the Joy of Search: A Google Insider's Guide to Going Beyond the Basics
The Law of Computer Technology 4th Edition
The Managed Health Care Dicitonary 2nd Edition
The Manual to Online Public Records: The Researcher's Tool to Online Resources of Public Records and Public Information
The Meat Racket: The Secret Takeover of America's Food Business

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