State of Florida
Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Law Library Catalogues

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Florida Evidence Code Summary Trial Guide with Evidentiary Objections
Florida Evidence Code with Objections (6th Edition)
Florida Evidence Code, 2018 Courtroom Manual
Florida Evidence, Ehrhardt-
Florida Firearms: Law, Use & Ownership 8th Edition
Florida Guardianship Practice, 9th ed.
Florida Handbook on Civil Discovery Practice 2013
Florida Juvenile Law and Practice 14 Edition
Florida Maritime Law & Practice
Florida Practice Series V24 Municipal Law and Practice
Florida Real Property Litigation 8th Edition
Florida Real Property Sales Transactions
Florida Real Property Title Examination and Insurance 9th Edition
Florida Rules of Court (State and Federal) S.G
Florida Sentencing, 2018-2019 ed.
Florida Sentencing,2015-2016 ed.
Florida Statutes 2019 Definitions Index,
Florida Torts
Florida Trend Magazine (Online & Print)
Forensic Sciences in Clinical Medicine: A Case Study Apporach
Fundamentals of Antitrust Law
Garner's Modern American Usage
Georgetown Law Journal, Review of Criminal Procedure
Getting Things Done: The art of stress-free productivity 
Gunshot Wounds Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques Second Edition
Handbook of Federal Evidence, 8th ed.
hart and Wechsler's The Federal Courts and The Federal System 7th Edition
Health Care Fraud and Abuse: Practical Perspectives
Home Foreclosures
How to Prepare Your Expert Witness for Deposition

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